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引用本文:何建国,张朝辉,刘思思,周杰,凡炼文. 含氮硼蓖麻油聚氧乙烯醚水溶液的摩擦学特性[J]. 机械工程学报, 2014, 50(23): 112-118. DOI: 10.3901/JME.2014.23.112
作者姓名:何建国  张朝辉  刘思思  周杰  凡炼文
摘    要:聚醚水溶液是水基润滑液的重要研究方向之一。为改善水的摩擦学性能,选取蓖麻油聚氧乙烯醚系列中的EL-60(Cremophor EL-60)和三乙醇胺硼酸酯(Boric acid triethanolamine, BN)作为添加剂,并对相关溶液进行对比分析研究,同时对两种物质对水溶液摩擦学特性的影响进行了一定论述。EL-60是一种性能良好的表面活性剂,能够充分吸附在金属表面,形成牢固的润滑分子层;BN具有良好的极压性能和防锈性能。配置EL-60水溶液及两种物质混合质量比为1:1的BN-EL-60水溶液,利用MRS-10A型四球试验机对EL-60水溶液以及BN-EL-60水溶液进行减摩抗磨性能试验与极压性能试验、防锈特性研究等。结果表明BN-EL-60溶液在高负荷情况下具有一定性能优势,而低负荷情况EL-60单质溶液则相对优秀;较低浓度的溶液就已经具备较好的减摩抗磨综合性能;加入BN之后溶液的摩擦因数随时间的变化波动增大,溶液摩擦学性能稳定性相对变差;另外,BN的引入能够大大提升溶液的极压性能和防锈性能。BN与EL-60的协同效应并非是单纯协同增效,其性能是随工作负荷的变化而改变的,总体而言,EL-60与BN-EL-60是一类具有良好应用前景的水溶液润滑添加剂。

关 键 词:蓖麻油聚氧乙烯醚  极压防锈  减摩抗磨  三乙醇胺硼酸酯  水基润滑液  

Tribological Properties of Cremophor EL Aqueous Solutions Containing Nitrogen and Boron
HE Jianguo,ZHANG Chaohui,LIU Sisi,ZHOU Jie,FAN Lianwen. Tribological Properties of Cremophor EL Aqueous Solutions Containing Nitrogen and Boron[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 50(23): 112-118. DOI: 10.3901/JME.2014.23.112
Authors:HE Jianguo  ZHANG Chaohui  LIU Sisi  ZHOU Jie  FAN Lianwen
Abstract:Polyether aqueous solution is one of the important research in water-based lubricant. Cremophor EL-60 is an excellent surfactant, it can fully adsorb on the metal surface, and forming firm lubricant molecular layer. Boric acid triethanolamine (BN) has excellent extreme pressure properties and anti-rust properties. Mixing the two additives in mass ratio of 1:1, there is the BN-EL-60 water-based lubricant. Anti-friction and anti-wear performances of EL-60 aqueous solutions and BN-EL-60 aqueous solutions is studied by MRS-10 four ball tester, so as to the performances of extreme pressure, anti-rust, etc. It is showed that the BN-EL-60 aqueous solutions have a better performances at high load and high rotating speed, and at normal conditions EL-60 aqueous solutions are better. The two series have a good anti-friction and anti-wear performances at low concentration; after bringing BN into the solutions the friction coefficient fluctuation becomes unstable, but it can also obviously improve the extreme pressure performances and anti-rust performances. The synergistic behavior of BN and EL-60 additives are not simply, its characteristics are changing with the working conditions. Overall, EL-60 and BN-EL-60 additives are kinds of water-soluble additives with good application prospects.
Keywords:water-based lubricant  anti-friction and anti-wear  extreme pressure and anti-rust  cremophor EL  boric acid triethanolamine
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