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How people make support judgments: Individual differences in the traits used to infer supportiveness in others.
Authors:Lutz, Catherine J.   Lakey, Brian
Social support and other social judgments are composed of several distinct components, of which relationship effects are an important part. With regard to support judgments, relationship effects refer to the fact that when judging the same targets, people differ systematicatly in whom they see as supportive. One explanation for this effect is that people differ in how they combine information about targets to judge supportiveness. Participants rated the supportiveness of hypothetical targets and targets from their own social networks. Multilevel modeling identified the traits participants used to make support judgments. There were significant differences in the extent to which participants used different target personality traits to judge supportiveness. In addition, participant neuroticism predicted the extent to which participants used target neuroticism and agreeableness to judge supportiveness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)
Keywords:social support   social judgments   relationship effects   systematic differences   supportiveness judgments   social networks   personality traits
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