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引用本文:张宜虎,周火明,钟作武,熊诗湖,郝庆泽. YXSW–12现场岩体真三轴试验系统及其应用[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2011, 30(11): 2312-2320
作者姓名:张宜虎  周火明  钟作武  熊诗湖  郝庆泽
作者单位:(1. 长江科学院 水利部岩土力学与工程重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430010;2. 长春市朝阳试验仪器有限公司,吉林 长春 152500)
摘    要: 介绍了长江科学院与长春朝阳试验仪器有限公司联合研制的YXSW–12现场岩体真三轴试验系统,该试验系统具有如下功能:(1) 能够开展现场岩体真三轴试验(?2≠?3);(2) 可以提供15 MPa稳定围压,最大轴压达80 MPa;(3) 试样尺寸为50 cm×50 cm×100 cm,能表征现场大尺度岩体力学特征;(4) 能实现复杂应力路径伺服控制;(5) 能获取试样变形、破坏全过程曲线。将YXSW–12试验系统用于研究柱状节理玄武岩力学特性,取得良好的效果,成果如下:(1) 获得不同应力水平下岩体各向异性变形参数;(2) 得到原岩样在卸围压路径的峰值强度、屈服强度,获得试样在卸围压路径与加载路径下的残余强度,明确了不同类型强度参数之间的差异;(3) 了解柱状节理玄武岩在三维应力状态下的破坏机制,认识到岩体的破坏形式主要是在柱状节理面基础上的进一步扩展和贯通。YXSW–12试验系统的成功研制,为深入研究工程岩体在高应力、复杂应力路径条件下的变形、强度及破坏特征提供新的手段。

关 键 词:岩石力学;YXSW&ndash12试验系统;岩体;现场三轴试验

ZHANG Yihu,ZHOU Huoming,ZHONG Zuowu,XIONG Shihu,HAO Qingze. IN SITU ROCK MASSES TRIAXIAL TEST SYSTEM YXSW-12 AND ITS APPLICATION[J]. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2011, 30(11): 2312-2320
Authors:ZHANG Yihu  ZHOU Huoming  ZHONG Zuowu  XIONG Shihu  HAO Qingze
Affiliation:(1. Institute Key Laboratory of Geotechnical Mechanics and Engineering of Ministry of Water Resources,Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute,Wuhan,Hubei 430010,China;2. Zhaoyang Testing Instruments Co.,Ltd.,Changchun,Jilin 152500,China)
Abstract:An in situ rock masses triaxial test system YXSW–12 was manufactured by the Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute and Chaoyang Test Instruments Co.,Ltd.. The test system had the following advantages:(1) The real triaxial test could be carried out. (2) The surrounding pressure could achieve 15 MPa;and the axial pressure could achieve 80 MPa. (3) The sample size was 50 cm×50 cm×100 cm,which could express the mechanical characteristic of large scale rock. (4) The complex stress routes could be servo-controlled. (5) The whole curve of deforming and breaking processes could be got,and the deformation and strength parameters in one single test could be obtained. The YXSW–12 test system was used to test the mechanical properties of column jointed rock masses,and got excellent results. The test results were shown as follows:(1) The anisotropic deformation parameters under different loading conditions were obtained. (2) The peak strength and yield strength of original simples were obtained by unloading test. The residual strengths of disturbed samples were obtained by loading and unloading test. The differences of strength parameters with different kinds were compared and analyzed. (3) The break mechanism of field rock masses was researched. The test results indicated that the breaking surface was mainly originated from the column joints. The YXSW-12 test system provides a new means for engineers to find out the deformation,strength and breaking properties of deep and complicated rock masses.
Keywords:rock mechanics  YXSW–12 test system  rock masses  in situ triaxial test
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