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Extended MLSE diversity receiver for the time- andfrequency-selective channel
Authors:Hart   B. Taylor   D.P.
Affiliation:Dept. of Electr. & Electron. Eng., Canterbury Univ., Christchurch;
Abstract:This paper develops a maximum-likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) diversity receiver for the time- and frequency-selective channel corrupted by additive Gaussian noise when linear constellations (M-ASK, M-PSK, M-QAM) are employed. The paper extends Ungerboeck's derivation of the extended MLSE receiver for the purely frequency-selective channel to the more general channel. Although the new receiver structure and metric assume ideal channel-state information (CSI), the receiver can be used wherever high-quality CSI is available, such as a comb of pilot tones or time-isolated symbols. The major contributions of this paper are as follows: (1) the derivation of a finite-complexity diversity receiver that is maximum likelihood (ML) for all linear channel models and sources of diversity, as long as ideal CSI is available; (2) a benchmark, in that the new receiver's performance is a lower bound on the performance of practical systems, which either lack ideal CSI or are not ML; (3) insight into matched filtering and ML diversity receiver processing for the time- and frequency-selective channels; and (4) bounds on the new receiver's bit-error rate (BER) for ideal CSI and pilot tone CSI, in a fast Rayleigh-fading channel with multiple independently faded paths. The new receiver can seamlessly tolerate square-root Nyquist pulses without a fading-induced ISI error floor
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