Abstract: | Conclusions 1. For anlaysis of circular (polygona) slabs which can be included in the category of absolutely rigid slabs, a practical approximate method of analysis has been developed and experimentally verified which permits determining the bending moments under centrally and eccentrically applied loads acting over a small circular area, as well as at any other points in the slab beyond the limits of the loaded area.2. Monolithic bonding of hexagonal road slabs up to 3–4 m2 in area designed for the N-30 load results in increased design bending moments and, consequently, in thicker pavements. For these slabs it is expedient to use nonrigid joints, which do not transmit bending or torsional moments; however, these slabs must be placed on stabilized beds and their joints must be filled with waterproofing mastic.Translated from Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, No. 5, pp. 19–22, September–October, 1974. |