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The acceptance and diffusion of the innovative smart phone use: A case study of a delivery service company in logistics
Authors:Jengchung V. Chen  David C. Yen  Kuanchin Chen
Affiliation:1. Institute of International Management, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC;2. Department of DSC & MIS, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056, United States;3. Department of Business Information Systems, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, United States
Abstract:Technology adoption has been the topic of several theories. We empirically assessed and integrated four models to help in predicting smart phone adoption. The varying factors were combined and a survey was conducted in five sales branches of a delivery service company. Results of the analysis of the collected data show that the relationships amongst constructs were similar. Self-efficacy was a strong predictor of behavioral intention through attitude; after innovation, diffusion theory was added. Attitude towards smart phone adoption was found to be affected mainly by testability and organizational and environmental factors. We decided that an iterative approach to implementing smart phone adoption was effective. Managerial implications are discussed.
Keywords:Smart phone adoption   Technology adoption   Innovation diffusion   Technology acceptance   Delivery service providers
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