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引用本文:郑志华,徐秋亮. 一个安全有效的多重数字签名方案[J]. 计算机工程与应用, 2003, 39(4): 75-76
作者姓名:郑志华  徐秋亮
摘    要:文章基于离散对数问题提出一个多重数字签名方案,其安全性类似于ElGamal签名体制,因而较为肯定,其验证计算量与参与签名的人数无关,保证了有效性。

关 键 词:多重签名  合谋攻击  离散对数

A Secure and Efficient Digital Multi-signature Scheme
Zheng Zhihua Xu Qiuliang. A Secure and Efficient Digital Multi-signature Scheme[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2003, 39(4): 75-76
Authors:Zheng Zhihua Xu Qiuliang
Affiliation:Zheng Zhihua 1 Xu Qiuliang 21
Abstract:This paper proposes a digital multi-signature scheme based on the discrete logarithm problem.The security of the scheme is similar to ElGamal scheme ,and at the verified phase,the communication time is not related to the num-ber of the players.
Keywords:Multi-signature  Conspiracy attack  Discrete logarithm  
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