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Azcatl-CRP: An ant colony-based system for searching full power control rod patterns in BWRs
Authors:Juan José   Ortiz,Ignacio Requena
Affiliation:1. Dpto. Sistemas Nucleares, ININ, Carr. Mexico-Toluca Km. 36.5, Salazar, Edo. de Mexico, Mexico;2. Dpto. Ciencias Computación e I.A. ETSII Informática, University of Granada, C. Daniel Saucedo Aranda s/n, 18071 Granada, Spain
We show a new system named AZCATL-CRP to design full power control rod patterns in BWRs. Azcatl-CRP uses an ant colony system and a reactor core simulator for this purpose. Transition and equilibrium cycles of Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant (LVNPP) reactor core in Mexico were used to test Azcatl-CRP. LVNPP has 109 control rods grouped in four sequences and currently uses control cell core (CCC) strategy in its fuel reload design. With CCC method only one sequence is employed for reactivity control at full power operation. Several operation scenarios are considered, including core water flow variation throughout the cycle, target different axial power distributions and Haling conditions. Azcatl-CRP designs control rod patterns (CRP) taking into account safety aspects such as keff core value and thermal limits. Axial power distributions are also adjusted to a predetermined power shape.
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