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Squeeze film characteristics of conical bearings with combined effects of piezo-viscous dependency and non-Newtonian couple stresses
In this paper, the analysis of squeeze film characteristics of conical bearings with combined effects of piezo-viscous dependency and couple stress fluid is presented. On the basis of the Stokes microcontinuum theory of couple stress fluid model and Barus experimental research, a modified Reynolds equation is derived, the standard perturbation technique is used to solve the highly non-linear Reynolds equation and approximate analytical solution is obtained for the squeeze film pressure, load carrying capacity and squeeze film time. According to the results obtained, the effect of viscosity pressure dependency on the squeeze film lubrication of conical bearings with couple stress fluids is to improve the load carrying capacity significantly and lengthen the squeeze film time as compared to iso-viscous Newtonian case.
Keywords:Non-Newtonian couple stress fluids  Piezo-viscous effects  Squeeze films  Conical bearings
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