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Surface displacement imaging by interferometry with a light emitting diode
Authors:Dilhaire Stefan  Grauby Stéphane  Jorez Sébastien  Lopez Luis David Patino  Rampnoux Jean-Michel  Claeys Wilfrid
Affiliation:Centre de Physique Moléculaire Optique et Hertzienne-Université Bordeau 1, Talence, France.
Abstract:We present an imaging technique to measure static surface displacements of electronic components. A device is supplied by a transient current that creates a variation of temperature, thus a surface displacement. To measure the latter, a setup that is based on a Michelson interferometer is used. To avoid the phenomenon of speckle and the drawbacks inherent to it, we use a light emitting diode as the light source for the interferometer. The detector is a visible CCD camera that analyzes the optical signal containing the information of surface displacement of the device. Combining images, we extract the amplitude of the surface displacement. Out-of-plane surface-displacement images of a thermoelectric device are presented.
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