Abstract: | The authors studied the urinary complications following 721 operations performed between 1960 and 1974 for cervix uterin carcinoma. The surgical method was the one used at the Fondation Curie according to the protocol of treatment. They have noted that: --first, the surgical act as primary treatment (672 cases) was innocuous, as this series showed only 0,6% of the severe complications; in contrast, when the surgery is performed for a recurrence after a total dose irradiation, the severe complications raised to 8%; --secondly, the uretero-hydronephroses following this type of surgery are relatively frequent on the systematic urograms, but most of them are quite asymptomatic and without later sequelae only 0,3% of them required a surgical treatment. The authors analyse the factors influencing the ureteral stenoses, especially the extent of lymphadenectomy and the associated external irradiation. They studied too the ureteral stenoses due to a local recurrence. |