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Authors:Kai Sun   Krishnamurthy Jayaraman
Affiliation: a Department of Chemical Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
Abstract:This investigation focuses on slow, isothermal, two-phase flow of gas bubble suspensions in Separan solutions, prepared with the help of a sodium borohydride blowing agent at room temperature. The total residence time in these experiments is much smaller than characteristic times for growth or rise of bubbles. The variation of bubble volume fraction across a narrow gap between two planes, is recorded at two locations along the flow direction. This is done with a Cesium gamma-radiation source focused on a region of area.012 cm2 in the flow plane, and a Sodium iodide detector across the channel yielding a resolution of.01 over the range of void fractions investigated from.02 to.08. This measurement allows us to identify conditions under which the two-phase flow may be described by a two fluid model with a uniform bubbly core and a bubble free wall layer. With this two phase flow structure, a relative viscosity equation for the suspension is used to compute an apparent viscosity. Such calculations indicate that the observed reduction in apparent viscosity for the two phase flow may be attributed to a bubbly core which is more shear thinning than the medium. The additional shear thinning factor for the suspension is related to the elasticity of the medium.
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