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引用本文:王江云,毛羽,王娟. 单入口双进气道旋风分离器内流体的流动特性[J]. 石油学报(石油加工), 2011, 27(5): 780-786. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-8719.2011.05.019
作者姓名:王江云  毛羽  王娟
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(21106181); 国家重点基础研究发展规划“973”项目(2010CB226902)资助
摘    要:
 采用数值模拟和实验相结合的方法,对一种单入口双进气道旋风分离器内的紊流过程进行了研究。计算得到的旋风分离器内的压力降与实验数据较为吻合,验证了所采用的模型和计算方法的正确性。与普通单入口旋风分离器相比,相同处理量时,此种旋风分离器在不降低分离效率的情况下可以使压力降降低40%左右;通过特殊的双进气道设计,基本消除了普通单入口旋风分离器内旋转中心与几何中心不重合产生的涡核摆动现象,有利于提高旋风分离器的分离效率。在 FCC 沉降器内采用该旋风分离器,不仅可以大幅度降低压力降,减少能耗,而且由于在旋风分离器内形成了对称流场,有利于减少 FCC 沉降器顶旋升气管外壁的结焦。

关 键 词:旋风分离器  入口  双进气道  压降  数值模拟

Flow Characteristic in a Single Inlet Cyclone Separator With Double Passage
WANG Jiangyun,MAO Yu,WANG Juan. Flow Characteristic in a Single Inlet Cyclone Separator With Double Passage[J]. Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing Section), 2011, 27(5): 780-786. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-8719.2011.05.019
Authors:WANG Jiangyun  MAO Yu  WANG Juan
Affiliation:WANG Jiangyun,MAO Yu,WANG Juan (State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing,China University of Petroleum,Beijing 102249,China)
The turbulence flow in a single inlet cyclone separator with double passage was studied by combing numerical simulation and experiment investigation.The calculated pressure drop in the cyclone separator was consistent with the experimental data,which verified the adopted models and calculating methods.Comparing with the common single inlet cyclone at the same process load,the pressure drop of the cyclone separator could be decreased by 40% with the collection efficiency of the single inlet cyclone separator...
Keywords:cyclone separator  inlet  double passage  pressure drop  numerical simulation  
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