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SNAR: 一种新型非氨基还原除酸脱硝工艺技术
引用本文:宋玉昆,王国刚,张新功,刘大阔,张金庆,林瀚. SNAR: 一种新型非氨基还原除酸脱硝工艺技术[J]. 化工进展, 2022, 41(Z1): 606-612. DOI: 10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2022-0239
作者姓名:宋玉昆  王国刚  张新功  刘大阔  张金庆  林瀚
作者单位:1.中国石油化工股份有限公司天津分公司,天津 300271;2.青岛惠城环保科技股份有限公司,山东 青岛 266500
摘    要:
为了解决当前脱硝技术存在的氨逃逸及安全隐患等问题,本文采用了一种新型选择性非氨基还原除酸脱硝工艺技术(SNAR)。首先,详细地阐述了SNAR工艺的技术原理和流程;然后基于天津石化热电部7#煤粉炉工业试验,验证了该工艺技术的脱硝效果和是否存在氨逃逸;最后,通过对标分析选择性催化还原(SCR)和选择性非催化还原(SNCR)工艺技术,总结了SNAR工艺技术的优点及应用前景。研究结果表明:SNAR工艺技术的NO x 脱除率为50%~90%,不会产生氨逃逸。该技术能够有效地避免氨逃逸带来的二次污染,解决腐蚀、结垢及安全等问题,给锅炉运行带来了极大的经济和环境效益。

关 键 词:选择性非氨基还原  选择性催化还原  脱硝  氨逃逸  锅炉运行  

SNAR: a new non-amino reduction technology for acid and denitration
SONG Yukun,WANG Guogang,ZHANG Xingong,LIU Dakuo,ZHANG Jinqing,LIN Han. SNAR: a new non-amino reduction technology for acid and denitration[J]. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2022, 41(Z1): 606-612. DOI: 10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2022-0239
Authors:SONG Yukun  WANG Guogang  ZHANG Xingong  LIU Dakuo  ZHANG Jinqing  LIN Han
Affiliation:1.SINOPEC Tianjin Company, Tianjin 300271, China
2.Qingdao Huicheng Environmental Protection Technology Co. , Ltd. , Qingdao 266500, Shandong, China
In order to solve the problems of ammonia escape and safety hazards in the current denitrification technology, a new selective non-amino reduction(SNAR) acid denitrification process technology was proposed. Firstly, the technical principle and process of the SNAR were explained in detail. Then, based on the industrial test of the 7# pulverized coal furnace of the Tianjin petrochemical thermal power department, the denitrification effect of the process technology and whether there was ammonia escape were verified. Finally, through the benchmark analysis of SCR and SCNR process technology, the advantages and application prospects of SNAR process technology were summarized. The research results showed that the NO x removal rate of SNAR process technology was 50%—60%, and no ammonia escape will occur. When combined with SCR technology, the denitrification efficiency can reach 80%—90%, and it can effectively reduce ammonia escapes of SCR technology. SNAR technology can effectively avoid the secondary pollution caused by ammonia escape, solve the problems of corrosion, fouling and safety, and bring great economic and environmental benefits.
Keywords:selective non-amino reduction(SNAR)  selective catalytic reduction(SCR)  denitrification  ammonia escape  boiler operation  
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