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引用本文:肖韵,汪道辉,石银安. 低压电力线载波集中抄表系统集中器设计[J]. 微计算机信息, 2007, 23(13): 168-170
作者姓名:肖韵  汪道辉  石银安
作者单位:1. 610065,四川,成都,四川大学自动化系
2. 610051,四川,成都,德阳汇川科技有限公司
摘    要:分析了集中器在低压电力线载波集中抄表系统中的功能,详细介绍了集中器的软、硬件结构原理及具体实现。在硬件结构上,为集中器设计了多种通信信道,用户可根据实际需要在多个信道之间切换。软件实现方面,上行通过串口中断接收管理中心下发的指令,下行由主控CPU完成控制,主动下发抄表指令并接收电表数据。该集中器数据抄到率达100%,已经通过中国电力科学院检测。

关 键 词:集中器  电力线载波  集中抄表系统  信道

The Design of Concentrator for Low - Voltage Power Line Carrier Based Automatic Meter Reading System
XIAO YUN,WANG DAOHUI,SHI YIN'AN. The Design of Concentrator for Low - Voltage Power Line Carrier Based Automatic Meter Reading System[J]. Control & Automation, 2007, 23(13): 168-170
Abstract:This paper analyzes the structure of the automatic meter reading system and the functions of concentrator in this system, de-tails the structure of hardware and software of the concentrator. The concentrator has some different channels, which can be switched easily. It receives the data from the managing unit through serial port interrupt, and sends the data to the meters initiatively. 100 percent reliable connection is achieved by the concentrator.
Keywords:concentrator  power line carrier  automatic meter reading system  channel
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