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引用本文:牛新泉 刘新燕. 阿克苏河流域近期防洪规划及工程措施[J]. 水利水电技术, 1996, 0(4): 49-52
作者姓名:牛新泉 刘新燕
摘    要:新疆阿克苏河流域洪水危害比较严重,全流域有较大的河道防洪险工段50多处,主要集中在托什干河的阿合奇、上色来阿拉尔、联合渠龙口、空台、阿合雅、牙满苏,以及库玛拉克河、阿克苏河、塔里木河等处.河道洪水洪峰高,历时短,洪量小,并有突发性洪水,防洪规划的原则是以防为主,防治并重,全面规划和综合治理.近期河道防洪标准为20年一遇,一般防护工程防洪标准为5年一遇.河道防洪工程的结构形式,上游河段采用砌石混凝土结构,中游采用铅丝笼堆石和稍料三角架结构,下游及塔里木河采用混凝土井柱桩式的型式,以满足流砂游动性河床冲刷深的特点.

关 键 词:防洪规划  工程措施  阿克苏河流域

Flood Control Planning and Engineering Measures in Aksu River Basin in the Near Future
Niu Xinquan. Flood Control Planning and Engineering Measures in Aksu River Basin in the Near Future[J]. Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering, 1996, 0(4): 49-52
Authors:Niu Xinquan
Abstract:The damages caused by floods in the Aksu River Basin in Xinjiang are rather serious. In the whole basin, there are more than 50 dangerous flood control projects (on rivers),which are chiefly situated in Aheqi on the Toshigan River, the entrance of the uiuted channel ofShangshemialal, Kongtai Aheya, Yamansu, the Kumalak River, Aksu River, the Talimu River,etc. The floods in these rivers have high flook-crest short period and small flood discharge, andthere are sudden floods sometimes. The principle of the flood control plan lays emphasis on protection, and pays attention to both protection and dredgring. The plan is a comprehensive and allround one. The standard requirement of the near-future flood control is once in twenty years,while that of ordinary flood-protection is once in five years. The structure style of the river floodcontrol is as follows: in the upper reaches of the river, the stone-laying concrete structure isused,in the middle reaches, tripods with tied-together branches or wire-bolsters are used, in thelower reaches and along the Talimu River, concrete well-pillars are used to meet the specialitiesof the movable-sand river bed which is always washed very deep.
Keywords:flood control planning   engineering measures   Aksu River Basin
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