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引用本文:张帆. 大规模化工过程系统的分解协调优化并行算法[J]. 计算机仿真, 2004, 21(6): 74-77
摘    要:该文针对大规模化工过程系统优化中计算能力不够的情况,研究一种适合于大系统求解的分解协调算法。在SQP算法分解计算的基础上,利用无约束优化算法进行协调,同时采用并行技术以提高求解效率。利用单机与机群系统建构仿真计算环境,对一换热器系统进行了实际解算。算例结果表明,此算法是行之有效的,在大规模过程系统优化计算中可进行推广应用。

关 键 词:优化  并行  分解协调  机群系统  化工过程系统

A Decomposition-Coordination Algorithm with Parallel Approach in Large-scale Process Optimization
ZHANG Fan. A Decomposition-Coordination Algorithm with Parallel Approach in Large-scale Process Optimization[J]. Computer Simulation, 2004, 21(6): 74-77
Authors:ZHANG Fan
Abstract:Current trends toward increased model detail and rigor optimization in chemical process accelerate the need to solve very large systems. Even with the sophisticated computers nowadays, there still exist many difficulties for a single computer to solve large-scale chemical process optimization problems. In this paper, a decomposition-coordination method for large-scale chemical process optimization is presented. In order to improve efficiency of this decomposition-coordination algorithm, a parallel approach using cluster of workstations is developed. Computing results on a heat exchange optimization problem demonstrate the efficiency of this approach.
Keywords:Optimization  Parallel computing  Decomposition-coordination  Cluster of workstations  Chemical process system
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