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引用本文:王四海,范崇澄. 光纤拉曼放大器中的广义损耗系数和特性模拟新算法[J]. 中国激光, 2001, 28(12): 1113-1116
作者姓名:王四海  范崇澄
摘    要:通过引入广义损耗系数的概念,给出了计算机模拟光纤拉曼放大器(FRA)的一种新算法。该算法不用假设抽运光和信号光衰减系数相同,且可大大增加饱和放大状态下的迭代步长。用于光纤拉曼放大器增益、噪声系数等的数值模拟时,可在保证精度的同时显著缩短迭代时间。模拟结果与已有文献的实验数据相吻合

关 键 词:光纤拉曼放大器  受激拉曼散射  光纤非线性  数值模拟

Generalized Attenuation Coefficient and a Novel Simulation Method of Raman Fiber Amplifiers
WANG Si-hai FAN Chong-cheng. Generalized Attenuation Coefficient and a Novel Simulation Method of Raman Fiber Amplifiers[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2001, 28(12): 1113-1116
Authors:WANG Si-hai FAN Chong-cheng
Abstract:With the introduction of generalized attenuation coefficient, a novel simulation method for fiber Raman amplifier (FRA) is proposed. The assumption of equal signal and pump attenuation coefficients is no longer required, while the iteration step-size can be significantly enlarged even under saturated amplification. Using this novel method in FRA simulation leads to obvious reduction of iteration time with saturated accuracy. The simulation results argree well with the experimental data.
Keywords:fiber Raman amplifier   stimulated Raman scattering   fiber nonlinearity   numerical simulation
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