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Floating-Gate Circuits for Adaptation of Saccadic Eye Movement Accuracy
Authors:Timothy K. Horiuchi  Christof Koch
Affiliation:(1) Computation and Neural Systems Program, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, 91125
Abstract:In this paper we describe an analog VLSI circuit, fabricatedusing a standard 2 µm, n-well, BiCMOS process,which utilizes floating-gate structures for non-volatile, on-chip,analog parameter storage. This circuit is designed to operatein the context of a hardware model of the primate oculomotorsystem and performs visually-guided, saccadic adaptation. Thechip contains a one-dimensional array of photoreceptors and floating-gatecircuits which are used to map retinal positions to motor outputcommands. The system's functionality is demonstrated by trainingthe chip with several different mapping functions using a supervised-learningtechnique.
Keywords:neuromorphic analog VLSI  saccadic eye movements  learning  floating-gate  short-term adaptation
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