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Design techniques for high-frequency CMOS switched-capacitorfilters using non-op-amp-based unity-gain amplifiers
Authors:Chung-Yu Wu Ping-Hsing Lu Ming-Kai Tsai
Affiliation:Dept. of Electron. Eng., Nat. Chiao-Tung Univ., Hsin-chu;
Abstract:A fully differential non-op-amp-based unity-gain amplifier (UGA) is proposed, whose 3-dB frequency can be as high as 250 MHz in 3.5-μm p-well CMOS technology. The purpose is to develop a new design concept for high-frequency switched-capacitor (SC) filters which uses balanced non-op-amp type UGAs with tunable gain to replace conventional op-amp-based unity-gain buffers (UGBs). The proposed UGA has a normal gain of unit, but it has a greater bandwidth, better setting behavior, smaller chip area, and less transistors than op-amp-based UGB. The new UGA also has a fully differential balanced configuration. The balanced configuration and proper predistortion by CAD tools can reduce the error due to linear parasitic capacitances. Experimental results prove the capability of the proposed structures in the realization of high-frequency SC filters over the megahertz range
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