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摘    要:介绍了在复杂环境中采用控制爆破技术拆除2组钢筋混凝土结构楼梯扶手,论述了工程方案参数设计及主要安全措施。拟拆除扶手为钢筋混凝土墙体,厚30cm,墙体布置2层钢筋,纵向钢筋为Φ15mm,间距15cm,横向钢筋为Φ12mm,间距20cm,因墙体较薄,钢筋密集,沿墙面水平向钻孔,施工难度大,采取剔除墙端部箍筋,沿墙体垂直钻孔,孔间距30cm,采用不耦合装药结构。扶手墙体不规则,需分区段确定孔深,由于扶手底座混凝土需要保护,孔底填充缓冲材料,采用非电导爆管雷管逐段孔外接力起爆。利用炮被(橡胶轮胎制作)进行覆盖防护,使爆破飞石控制在被爆体周围23m范围内,同时在距被爆体周围2m范围搭设防护排架,铺设竹席、棉被和草帘等进行隔离防护,确保爆破飞散物不飞出防护层外,爆破后达到预期的爆破效果。

关 键 词:钢筋混凝土扶手  控制爆破拆除  垂直钻孔  不耦合装药  安全防护

Controlled demolition blasting and safety measures of reinforced concrete handrail
Affiliation:,Ningxia Tianhong Blasting Co.,Ltd.
Abstract:Introduce demolition blasting of reinforced concrete handrail in complicated situation.The design parameters of engineering and the main safety measures are discussed.The handrail to be demolished is a reinforced concrete wall,with the thickness of 30 cm;vertical reinforcement ofΦ15 mm and a spacing of 15 cm;transverse reinforcement ofΦ12 mm and a spacing of 20 cm.Because the wall is thin and the reinforcement is dense,it is difficult to drill horizontally along the wall,so it is adopted to remove the hooping at the end of the wall,drill vertically along the wall,with the hole spacing of 30 cm,and adopt the uncoupled charging structure.The handrail wall is irregular and the hole depth needs to be determined at the partition section.As the concrete of the handrail base needs protection,the hole bottom is filled with buffer material,and the detonator with shock-conducting tube is adopted to relay the blasting out of the hole section by section.The use of blasting quilts(rubber tire production)to cover the protection of the blasting rock control in the explosive body 2 to 3 meters range,while being apart from the objects to be blasted around 2 meters to build blasting protection bent frame,laid bamboo mat,quilt and straw curtain such as isolation protection,to ensure that the blasting flying rocks does not fly out of the protective layer,blasting to achieve the desired blasting effect.
Keywords:reinforced concrete handrail  controlled demolition blasting  vertical drilling  decoupling charge  safety protective
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