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引用本文:赵根田,杨丽梅,翟耀飞,周文军,王春玲. 型钢混凝土的粘结承载力[J]. 包头钢铁学院学报, 2005, 24(1): 12-14
作者姓名:赵根田  杨丽梅  翟耀飞  周文军  王春玲
作者单位:[1]内蒙古科技大学建筑与土木工程学院,内蒙古包头014010//上海大学土木工程系,上海200072 [2]内蒙古科技大学建筑与土木工程学院,内蒙古包头014010 [3]四川省电力建设监理有限责任公司,四川成都610017 [4]包头钢苑工程建设监理有限责任公司,内蒙古包头014010
基金项目:内蒙古自然科学基金 , 内蒙古包头市科技攻关项目
摘    要:基于11个型钢混凝土试件的试验研究,分析了型钢与混凝土的粘结机理和粘结破坏特征,探讨了混凝土强度等级、保护层厚度、配箍率等因素对粘结性能的影响,建立了粘结承载力的计算公式.

关 键 词:型钢混凝土  粘结机理  粘结承载力  型钢混凝土  粘结承载力  steel reinforced concrete  capacity  计算公式  影响  粘结性能  因素  配箍率  保护层厚度  强度等级  破坏特征  粘结机理  分析  研究  试验  试件

Bond capacity of steel reinforced concrete
ZHANG Gen-tian,YANG Li-Mei,ZHAI Yao-fei,ZHOU WEN-jun,WANG Chun-ling. Bond capacity of steel reinforced concrete[J]. Journal of Baotou University of Iron and Steel Technology, 2005, 24(1): 12-14
Authors:ZHANG Gen-tian  YANG Li-Mei  ZHAI Yao-fei  ZHOU WEN-jun  WANG Chun-ling
Abstract:Based on the experimental study of 11 specimens,the character of the bond crack and the bond mechanism between steel and concrete were analyzed.The effect of some parameters,such as concrete strength,thickness of concrete cover and the ratio of lateral stirrup was discussed based on the bond behavior.And a calculating formula was proposed for the ultimate bond capacity.
Keywords:steel reinforced concrete  bond mechanism  bond capacity
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