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引用本文:林飞. 新疆塔日勒嘎水电站泄洪冲砂隧洞出口闸室基础处理[J]. 湖北水力发电, 2016, 0(3): 9-11. DOI: 10.13622/j.cnki.cn42-1800/tv.1671-3354.2016.03.003
摘    要:针对新疆克州塔日勒嘎水电站泄洪冲沙闸闸室置于不同强度地基基础上的情况,设计了简单易得的扩大回填方案以处理基础,通过三维有限元计算和现场的实际监测,结果表明:这种基础处理方案安全可靠,有一定的实用价值。

关 键 词:泄洪冲砂隧洞  出口闸室  扩大基础  加强钢筋  有限元计算  变形监测

Foundation Treatment for the Outlet Sluice Chamber of Flood Discharging Tunnel in Xinjiang Tarilega Hydropower Station
Abstract:In the construction of Xinjiang Tarilega Hydropower Station, it is found that the outlet sluice chamber of flood discharging tunnel lies on a ground foundation with different bearing capacities.A simple enlarged backfill scheme is proposed for the foundation treatment.Three dimensional finite element analysis and in-situ monitoring show that the treatment scheme is reliable and practical.
Keywords:flood discharging tunnel  outlet sluice chamber  enlarged foundation  reinforcing steel bar  finite element analysis  deformation monitoring
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