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Imaging Secondary-Ion Mass Spectroscopy Observation of the Scavenging of Siliceous Film from 8-mol%-Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia by the Addition of Alumina
Authors:Jong-Heun Lee  Toshiyuki Mori  Ji-Guang Li  Takayasu Ikegami  Manabu Komatsu  Hajime Haneda
Affiliation:National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0044, Japan
Abstract:The scavenging of a resistive siliceous phase via the addition of Al2O3 was studied, using imaging secondary-ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS), given the improved grain-boundary conductivity in 8-mol%-yttria-stabilized zirconia (8YSZ). The grain-boundary resistivity in 8YSZ decreased noticeably with the addition of 1 mol% of Al2O3. Strong SiO2 segregation at the grain boundaries was observed in a SIMS map of pure 8YSZ that contained 120 ppm of SiO2 (by weight). The addition of 1 mol% of Al2O3 caused the SiO2 to gather around the Al2O3 particles. The present observations provided direct and visual evidence of SiO2 segregation at the grain boundaries (which had a deleterious effect on grain-boundary conductivity) and the scavenging of SiO2 via Al2O3 addition.
Keywords:zirconia: yttria stabilized    grain boundaries    films
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