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T2-weighted breathold imaging of the liver: a quantitative and qualitative comparison of fast spin echo and half Fourier single shot fast spin echo imaging
Authors:Thomas K. Helmberger  Julia Schröder  Nicolaus Holzknecht  Michaela Gregor  Andreas Heuck  Rainer Petsch  Maximilian F. Reiser
Affiliation:(1) Institute of Diagnostic Radiology, Klinikum Grosshadern, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Marchioninistr 15, D-81366 Munich, Germany;(2) Siemens Medical Engineering, Erlangen, Germany
The imaging characteristics of two EPI-hybrid breath-hold sequences, T2-weighted fast spin-echo [FSE, effective echo time (TEeff) 138ms] and half Fourier single shot turbo spin-echo (HASTE, TEeff 60 ms), were compared in hepatic imaging. A total of 111 patients with suspected hepatic disease were studied at 1.5 Tesla using a body phase-array coil. The signal-to-noise (S/N) and contrast-to-noise (C/N) ratios for organs and lesions were calculated and quantitatively compared. Organ delineation, visualization of anatomical structures and pathological lesions, artifacts, and total image quality were qualitatively assessed and statistically compared. The final diagnoses were metastases from colorectal, breast, and pancreatic cancer in 23/111, hepatocellular carcinoma in 15/111, cysts in 19/111, hemangiomas in 9/111, several other lesions in 7/111, and no lesions in 38/111 of the cases. A total of 139 lesion in 73% of the patients were seen while 85% of the lesions were at least 1.5 cm in size. Regarding S/Ns HASTE was significantly (P<0.03) superior to FSE with only minor (P>0.05) differences in C/Ns between the two sequences for anatomical and pathological structures. HASTE demonstrated in almost all (97.3%) of the cases no artifacts, while on fast SE imaging moderate to minor artifacts were present in 23.5–51.7% of the cases. The overall image quality and diagnostic confidence was rated significantly higher (good 43.2%, excellent 53.2%) for HASTE than for fast SE imaging (good 44.8%, excellent 17.6%). Providing comparable C/Ns for anatomical and pathological structures, breatheld HASTE imaging proved to be superior to fast SE in T2-weighted imaging of the upper abdomen regarding general image quality, and, with adequate technical prerequisites, may be a suitable substitute of fast T2-imaging techniques.
Keywords:Liver neoplasms  MR pulse sequences  T2-weighted rapid imaging  T2-weighted half-Fourier imaging
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