Abstract: | AbstractThe effects of solution treatment (ST) temperature (1073–1473 K) on the prior austenite grain size, microstructure, and mechanical properties of a 2000 MPa grade 18%Ni Co free maraging steel have been investigated. The results show that prior austenite grain size normally increases with increase of ST temperature. Strength and ductility in the solution treated condition are independent of both ST temperature and prior austenite grain size due to constant martensite lath spacing and dislocation tangles. In the solution treated + aged condition, the relationship between yield strength and prior austenite grain size follows the Hall- Petch equation, and ductility improves until the ST temperature used is >1373 K. Accordingly, the fracture mode transforms from intergranular to transgranular at a critical prior austenite grain size of ~ 150 μ m, because of severe segregation of Ni3(Mo,Ti) and reverted austenite at prior austenite grain boundaries and martensite lath boundaries. The variation of Charpy V notch impact energy with increase of ST temperature in both the solution treated and solution treated + aged conditions is similar to that of the tensile ductility. The fracture toughness KIC, however, increases with increase of ST temperature. No thermal embrittlement resulted from the Ti(C,N,S) inclusion segregation at prior austenite grain boundaries and martensite lath boundaries in the high temperature solution treatment. |