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引用本文:田林,李荣兴,俞小花,黄俊,林艳,庄晓东. TiCl_4和O_2在金红石型TiO_2(110)表面的吸附机理[J]. 功能材料, 2019, 50(5): 5138-5145
作者姓名:田林  李荣兴  俞小花  黄俊  林艳  庄晓东
作者单位:昆明冶金研究院,昆明 650031;共伴生有色金属资源加压湿法冶金技术国家重点实验室,昆明 650031;昆明理工大学 冶金与能源工程学院,昆明,650093
摘    要:基于密度泛函理论(DFT)中广义梯度近似(GGA)下的BLYP、PBE泛函,研究了TiCl_4、O_2在金红石型TiO_2(110)晶胞表面上不同位点的吸附,以及TiCl_4和O_2分子共吸附后在最稳定吸附构型上的解离过程。结果表明,O_2分子在TiO_2(110)晶胞表面上最稳定的吸附位点为氧空位,O_2分子吸附在氧空位后,其中一个O原子与Ti5c原子成键形成桥位氧(Obri);另一个O原子形成O增原子(Oada),吸附能为-11.58 kJ/mol,Mulliken电荷布居分析表明O_2分子向表面转移了0.12 eV电荷;TiCl_4分子在TiO_2(110)晶胞表面上最稳定的吸附位点为桥氧位,吸附能为-48.64 kJ/mol,Mulliken电荷布居分析表明TiCl_4分子向晶胞表面转移了0.26 eV电荷;TiCl_4与O_2在各自最佳的吸附位上吸附后,TiCl_4分子在O增原子(Oada)的作用下按—TiCl_4→—TiCl_3→—TiCl_2→—TiCl的主要路径发生解离,在TiCl_4分子解离过程中,正反应方向上的活化能垒均小于逆反应方向上的活化能垒,说明TiCl_4分子的解离过程为放热反应。

关 键 词:密度泛函理论  TIO2  分子吸附  反应机理

The adsorption mechanisms of TiCl_4 and O_2 on the surface of rutile TiO_2(110)
TIAN Lin,LI Rongxing,YU Xiaohua,HUANG Jun,LIN Yan,ZHUANG Xiaodong. The adsorption mechanisms of TiCl_4 and O_2 on the surface of rutile TiO_2(110)[J]. Journal of Functional Materials, 2019, 50(5): 5138-5145
Authors:TIAN Lin  LI Rongxing  YU Xiaohua  HUANG Jun  LIN Yan  ZHUANG Xiaodong
Affiliation:(Kunming Metallurgy Research Institute,Kunming 650031,China;State Key Laboratory of Pressure Hydrometallurgy Technology of Associated Non-ferrous Metal Resources,Kunming 650031,China;Metallurgy and Energy Engineering College,Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming 650093,China)
Abstract:In the paper,based on the BLYP and PBE functionalities of generalized gradient approximation (GGA) in density functional theory (DFT),the adsorption of TiCl 4 and O 2 molecules on the surface of rutile TiO 2 (110) and their dissociation process in the most stable adsorption configuration were studied. The results show that the most stable adsorption site of O 2 molecule on the surface of TiO 2 (110) cell was oxygen vacancy. After the O 2 molecule was adsorbed on the oxygen vacancy,one O atom formed a bridge with the Ti5c atom,and the other O atom was added at the same time. The adsorption energy was -11.58 kJ/mol. The Mulliken charge population analysis shows that the charge transfer of O 2 molecule to the surface was 0.12 eV. The most stable adsorption site on the unit cell was the bridge oxygen site with an adsorption energy of -48.64 kJ/mol. The Mulliken charge population analysis shows that the TiCl 4 molecule transfered 0.26 eV charge to the unit cell surface. TiCl 4 molecules were dissociated by the path of -TiCl 4→-TiCl 3→-TiCl 2→-TiCl under the action of O atom (O ada ) after TiCl 4 molecules were adsorbed on the adsorbed sites. In the TiCl 4 molecule dissociation process,the energy barriers in the positive reaction direction were less than those in the reverse reaction direction,indicating that the dissociation process of TiCl 4 molecules was exothermic.
Keywords:density functional theory  TiO 2  co-adsorption  reaction mechanism
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