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引用本文:姜晖,廖桂生. 联合距离门的杂波抑制方法研究[J]. 信号处理, 2010, 26(4): 497-500
作者姓名:姜晖  廖桂生
作者单位:西安电子科技大学 雷达信号处理重点实验室
摘    要:在实际环境中,目标的点散射函数不再是理想的德尔塔函数,导致待检单元中的信息会泄漏到相邻的训练单元,这将造成杂波协方差矩阵估计的不准,因此本文提出一种联合距离门的空时自适应处理方法。该方法先通过时域滑窗后滤波的处理方式来降低杂波的自由度,再利用相邻距离门上数据相关性进行联合处理,最终构造出新的杂波协方差矩阵,消除因数据信息泄露带来的影响,以达到消除地杂波的目的。最后将该方法应用于实测的数据处理中,证明了该方法的可行性和有效性。 

关 键 词:点散射函数   距离门   时域滑窗   杂波协方差

A method of the clutter suppression with joint range cell
JIANG Hui,LIAO Gui-sheng. A method of the clutter suppression with joint range cell[J]. Signal Processing(China), 2010, 26(4): 497-500
Authors:JIANG Hui  LIAO Gui-sheng
Affiliation:Key Lab. of Radar Signal Processing, Xidian Univ, Xi’an
Abstract:In practice, the information of under test range bin would leaked into other range bins, since the point spreading function of a target is not an ideal delta function, and leads to the covariance matrix of clutter becomes inaccuracy. Aim at the problem, the new method is proposed in this paper. The method firstly reduces the degree of freedom (DOF) of clutter by the time-delay filtering. Secondly, the method makes full use of the correlation among the adjacent range bins to construct a new covariance matrix, which eliminate the influence of diffuse information on covariance matrix and combine the multi-range bins carry through the clutter suppression. Thereby, the new method would suppress clutter effectively. Lastly, the measure data is processed by the new method. Its analysis shows that approach improved processing of effectiveness.
Keywords:point spreading function  range bin  time-delay taps  covariance matrix
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