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Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of TiCp/A1-4.5Cu-0.8Mg Composites by Direct Reaction Synthesis
引用本文:MingzhenMA DayongCAI TianhuaWEI. Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of TiCp/A1-4.5Cu-0.8Mg Composites by Direct Reaction Synthesis[J]. 材料科学技术学报, 2003, 19(5): 447-449
作者姓名:MingzhenMA DayongCAI TianhuaWEI
作者单位:[1]KeyLaboratoryofMetastableMaterialsScienceandTechnology,YanshanUniversity,Qinhuangdao066004,China [2]CollegeofMaterialScienceandEngineering,YanshanUniversity,Qinhuangdao066004,China
摘    要:
Direct reaction synthesis (DRS), based on the principle of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS), is a new method for preparing particulate metal matrix composites. TiCp/Al-4.5Cu-0.8Mg composites were fabricated by DRS. Particulate composites were fabricated with Ti carbide (TiC) particles, generally less than 1.0μm. The reacted, thermal extruded samples exhibit a homogeneous distribution of fine TiC particles in Al-4.5Cu-0.8Mg matrix.Mechanical property evaluation of the composites has revealed a very high tensile strength relative to the matrixalloy. Fractographic analysis indicates ductile failure.

关 键 词:TiCp/A1-4.5Cu-0.8Mg复合材料 微观结构 机械性能 直接反应合成 碳化钛增强铝基合金 铝铜镁合金

Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of TiCP/Al-4.5Cu-0.8Mg Composites by Direct Reaction Synthesis
Mingzhen MA,Dayong CAI,Tianhua WEI. Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of TiCP/Al-4.5Cu-0.8Mg Composites by Direct Reaction Synthesis[J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2003, 19(5): 447-449
Authors:Mingzhen MA  Dayong CAI  Tianhua WEI
Affiliation:Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Science and Technology, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China;College of Material Science and Engineering, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China
Direct reaction synthesis (DRS), based on the principle of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS), is a new method for preparing particulate metal matrix composites. TiCP/Al-4.5Cu-0.8Mg composites were fabricated by DRS. Particulate composites were fabricated with Ti carbide (TiC) particles, generally less than 1.0µm. The reacted, thermal extruded samples exhibit a homogeneous distribution of fine TiC particles in Al-4.5Cu-0.8Mg matrix. Mechanical property evaluation of the composites has revealed a very high tensile strength relative to the matrix alloy. Fractographic analysis indicates ductile failure.
Keywords:TiCP/Al-4.5Cu-0.8Mg composites  Microstructure  Mechanical property  TiC particle
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