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Collaborative coping and daily mood in couples dealing with prostate cancer.
Authors:Berg, Cynthia A.   Wiebe, Deborah J.   Butner, Jonathan   Bloor, Lindsey   Bradstreet, Chester   Upchurch, Renn   Hayes, John   Stephenson, Robert   Nail, Lillian   Patton, Gregory
Collaborative coping (i.e., spouses pooling resources and problem solving jointly) may be associated with better daily mood because of heightened perceptions of efficacy in coping with stressful events. The study examined the daily processes of collaborative coping (individuals' perceptions that the spouse collaborated), perceived coping effectiveness (ratings of how well they dealt with the event), and mood (i.e., Positive and Negative Affect Scale) across 14 days in 57 older couples coping with stressors involving the husband's prostate cancer and daily life in general. In hierarchical multivariate linear models, collaborative coping was associated with more positive same-day mood for both husbands and wives and less negative mood for wives only. These associations were partially mediated by heightened perceptions of coping effectiveness. Exploratory analyses revealed that collaborative coping was more frequent among wives who performed more poorly on cognitive tests and couples who reported greater marital satisfaction and more frequently using collaboration to make decisions. The results suggest that older couples may benefit from collaborative coping in dealing with problems surrounding illness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)
Keywords:dyadic coping   prostate cancer   couples and aging   coping   marriage
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