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Preparation and characterization of biocompatible Nb-C coatings
Authors:M. BraicV. Braic  M. BalaceanuA. Vladescu  C.N. ZoitaI. Titorencu  V. JingaF. Miculescu
  • a National Institute for Optoelectronics, 409 Atomistilor, Magurele, Romania
  • b Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, 41A, Aleea G.G.Voda, Iasi, Romania
  • c Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology “Nicolae Simionescu”, 8 B.P. Hasdeu, Bucharest, Romania
  • d University Politehnica of Bucharest, 313 Sp. Independentei, Bucharest, Romania
  • Abstract:Nb-C composite films, obtained by DC magnetron sputtering method, were investigated as possible candidates for the protective layers used in medical implants. Coatings of different carbon/niobium ratios were prepared and analyzed for elemental and phase composition, crystallographic structure, texture, corrosion behavior, and cell viability. The coating with the highest C/Nb ratio (≈ 1.9) was found to have a nanocomposite structure, in which NbC nanocrystalline phase coexists with an amorphous a-C one. The coated samples exhibited an improved corrosion resistance as compared with the Ti alloy. Cell viability measurements proved that human osteosarcoma cells are adherent to the coating surfaces, the highest viability being found for the film with the highest carbon content.
    Keywords:NbC coatings   Magnetron sputtering   Structure   Corrosion resistance   Cell viability
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