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引用本文:崔怡凡,刘庭风. 基于SWMM的承德避暑山庄水系遗产定量化研究[J]. 中国园林, 2021, 37(12): 59
作者姓名:崔怡凡  刘庭风
摘    要:承德避暑山庄作为历史遗产的大类之一,其水系景观蕴含的雨洪调蓄理念对于缓解园林雨洪灾害有着重要意义。然而,对避暑山庄的定性分析并不能充分认识和挖掘其水系的价值所在。基于此,对承德避暑山庄水系的历史变迁与水系现状进行梳理,以避暑山庄水系现状为研究对象,应用暴雨洪水管理模型(SWMM)模拟其在不同暴雨重现期下的水文过程,通过数据分析对避暑山庄雨洪调蓄能力进行定量化评价。结果显示:避暑山庄水系具有优秀的雨洪调蓄能力,但面对极高强度降雨时存在溢流的现象,需提前防范。数值模拟技术的应用同时也加强了文化遗产研究的深度和广度,加深了对遗产价值的认识,并为遗产保护提供科学数据支持。

关 键 词:风景园林  避暑山庄水系  雨洪调蓄  SWMM模拟  遗产保护

Quantitative Research on Water System Heritage of Chengde Mountain Resort Based on SWMM
CUI Yifan,LIU Tingfeng. Quantitative Research on Water System Heritage of Chengde Mountain Resort Based on SWMM[J]. Chinese Landscape Architecture, 2021, 37(12): 59
Authors:CUI Yifan  LIU Tingfeng
Abstract:Chengde Mountain Resort is historical and cultural heritage. The rainwater regulation and storage concept contained in its water system landscape is of great significance to alleviating garden rainwater disasters. However, the qualitative analysis of the Chengde Mountain Resort can not enable researchers to fully understand the value of its water system. This paper firstly reviews the historical changes and the current status of the water system in Chengde Mountain Resort. Taking the current water system of Chengde Mountain Resort as the research object, and the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) was applied to simulate its hydrological processes under different rain recurrence periods. Then, the rainwater storage and drainage capacity of Chengde Mountain Resort was evaluated quantitatively through data analysis. The simulation results show that it has excellent rainwater storage and drainage capacity. Nevertheless, the overflow will occur when Chengde Mountain Resort suffers from very high-intensity rainfall. Therefore, it needs to be protected in advance. The application of numerical simulation technology has enhanced the depth and breadth of cultural heritage research, deepened researchers'' understanding of heritage values, and provided scientific data to support heritage protection
Keywords:landscape architecture   Mountain Resort water system   rainwater storage   SWMM simulation   heritage protection
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