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引用本文:皮玉全,潘广贞. 基于改进蚁群算法的直升机航迹规划仿真[J]. 电脑开发与应用, 2010, 23(12): 23-25
作者姓名:皮玉全  潘广贞
摘    要:提出了基于改进蚁群算法的直升机航迹规划仿真过程,直升机在执行任务的过程中,有效地利用地形以躲避雷达扫描是直升机提高其生存能力的关键手段。利用真实地形的DEM数字高程建立真实地形;根据目标与雷达的交会几何关系,推算出雷达在真实地形中扫描的盲区;并针对传统的蚁群算法缺点,提出一种改进的蚁群算法仿真飞机飞行通过雷达区域,为其选择一条安全的飞行路线,使直升机从起始点到目的点的路径最优,从而达到提高战斗效率的目的。

关 键 词:蚁群算法  航迹规划  仿真  盲区  路径最优

Helicopter Flight Path Planning Simulation based on Improved Ant Colony Algorithm
Affiliation:Pi Yuquan et al
Abstract:Proposed the helicopter flight path planning simulation that based on improved ant colony algorithm.in the process of accomplishing tasks,Helicopter's use of terrain to avoid radar scanning effectively is the key to improve their viability,Paper used real terrain DEM digital elevation to establish the real terrain,and calculate the radar scanning blind area in the real terrain according to the geometry of target and the radar.Against the shortcomings of traditional ant colony algorithm,paper pointed out an improved ant colony algorithm to simulate aircraft passing radar area,then chose a safe flight path to make a optimal path between starting point and destination point to achieve the goal of improving combat efficiency.
Keywords:ant colony algorithm  route planning  simulation  blind area  optimal path
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