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引用本文:刘雄,张焕容,阚健全,陈宗道,海老原清. 直链淀粉含量对大鼠肠道发酵产物的影响[J]. 食品科学, 2008, 29(2): 398-402
作者姓名:刘雄  张焕容  阚健全  陈宗道  海老原清
作者单位:1. 西南大学食品科学学院,重庆,400715
2. 西南民族大学生命科学与技术学院,四川,成都,610041
3. 日本爱媛大学农学部营养科学研究室,爱媛,松山,790-8566
摘    要:目的:研究了不同直链淀粉含量的玉米淀粉对大鼠肠道发酵产物的影响.方法:将42只Wistar成年雌鼠随机分为7组,分别饲喂直链淀粉(AS)含量为0%、26.8%、53.8%、61.6%、75.7%、78.9%、85.8%的玉米淀粉饲料.喂养3周后解剖,测定各组体重、饲料效率及淀粉消化率、小肠内容物、盲肠内容物、盲肠组织重量以及盲肠中短链脂肪酸(SCFA)等指标.结果:61.6%AS、75.7%AS、78.9%AS和85.8%AS饲料组的淀粉表观消化率明显低于0%AS和26.8%AS饲料组.与0%AS和26.8%AS相比,高直链淀粉显著地增加了小肠内容物、盲肠内容物干重,75.7%AS组的盲肠内容物干重最高.高直链淀粉组盲肠中乙酸、丙酸和总SCFA的总量显著高于0%AS和26.8%AS组,53.8%AS组丙酸产量最高,61.6%AS组有最高丁酸和总SCFA产量,而75.7%AS有最高的乙酸、乳酸和琥珀酸产量,在高直链玉米淀粉中,78.9%AS组SCFA产量最低.结论:增加玉米淀粉中直链淀粉含量能明显降低淀粉的消化性,增加大鼠肠道中未消化残渣的量和盲肠中SCFA产量,但这种效果与直链淀粉的含量并没有明显的相关性.

关 键 词:直链淀粉  抗消化淀粉  肠道发酵  短链脂肪酸  直链淀粉含量  大鼠  肠道  发酵产物  影响  Rats  Fermentation  Intestinal  Corn Starch  Level  Amylose  相关性  效果  残渣  消化性  高直链玉米淀粉  琥珀酸  乳酸  丙酸产量  丁酸

Effect of Amylose Level in Corn Starch on Intestinal Fermentation in Rats
LIU Xiong,ZHANG Huan-rong,KAN Jan-quan,CHEN Zhong-dao,KI YOSHI Ebihara. Effect of Amylose Level in Corn Starch on Intestinal Fermentation in Rats[J]. Food Science, 2008, 29(2): 398-402
Authors:LIU Xiong  ZHANG Huan-rong  KAN Jan-quan  CHEN Zhong-dao  KI YOSHI Ebihara
Abstract:Objective:To study the effects of amylose levels in corn starch on intestinal fermentation of rats. Methods:42 female Wistar rats were stochastic divided into 7 groups, and fed respectively on diets containing 300g/kg cornstarch with 0, 26.8%, 53.8%, 61.6%,75.7%, 78.9%,85.8% for 3 weeks. Body weight gain, feed efficiency, starch digestion efficiency, the weight of cecal tissue and the amount of short chain fatty acids(SCFA)in cecal contents were determined. Results:the apparent digestion of starch in rats fed 61.6% AS, 75.7% AS, 78.9%AS and 85.8%AS diets were significantly lower than that fed 0% AS or 26.8% AS diets. High amylose cornstarch(HACS) significantly increased the contents weight in small intestine and cecum compared with 0%AS and 26.8% AS. The dry weight of cecal contents in 75.7%AS groups was the highest among all groups. The amounts of acetic, propionic and total SCFA in cecum were significantly higher in rats fed HACS diets than that fed 0%AS and 26.8%AS diets. The content of propionic in 53.8% AS group, the content of butyric and total SCFA in 61.6%AS groups and the contents of acetic, acetic and succinic in 75.7%AS group were the highest in all groups, while the amount of SCFA in 78.9% AS group was the lowest in HACS groups. Conclusion:HACS might reduce the digestion of starch, and increased the weight of intestinal indigested residues and the amount of SCFA in cecum, however, these effects did not correlated with amylose contents of cornstarch.
Keywords:amylose starch   resistant starch  intestinal fermentation   short chain fatty acids
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