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引用本文:谢建民,邱毓昌,张治源. 风力发电机可用率与容量系数的分区定义及其计算[J]. 电力建设, 2001, 22(9): 17-0
作者姓名:谢建民  邱毓昌  张治源
摘    要:根据风力发电机(风力机) 输出能量大小,将其工作区域分为低功率工作区域和额定功率工作区域两部分,定义了相应的利用时数、可用率和容量系数,同时推导出基于风速分布特性的各参数计算公式,并讨论了影响可用率和容量系数的各个因素。通过实例计算表明,上述定义及计算公式对风力发电研究与实践有重要意义。

关 键 词:风力发电机  可用率  容量系数  低功率区域  额定功率区域

Division Definition and Calculation of Availability and Capacity Factor of Wind-power Generators
Xie Jianmin,Qiu Shuchang,Zhang Zhiyuan. Division Definition and Calculation of Availability and Capacity Factor of Wind-power Generators[J]. Electric Power Construction, 2001, 22(9): 17-0
Authors:Xie Jianmin  Qiu Shuchang  Zhang Zhiyuan
Affiliation:Xie Jianmin 1,Qiu Shuchang 1,Zhang Zhiyuan 2
Abstract:The paper has divided the working area of the wind power generators into two sections: low power working section and rated power working section according to the output power of the generators. The paper also defined the corresponding available hours, availability and capacity factor and derived the calculation formula of individual parameter based on the wind speed distribution character. The paper discussed all factors effecting on the availability and capacity factors. Through examples and calculation the previous definition and formula have significant meanings to study and practice of the wind power generation.
Keywords:wind power generator  availability  capacity factor  low power section  rated power section
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