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引用本文:徐昌彪. 改进显式拥塞通知提高无线应用中的TCP性能[J]. 计算机应用研究, 2001, 18(6): 61-64
摘    要:介绍了TCP拥塞控制、积极队列管理以及显式拥塞通知的基本原理,提出了适用于无线环境中的各种ECN改进方案,并就各方案及其对TCP性能改善作了分析讨论,为TCP在无线环境中的应用研究提供了较好的参考。

关 键 词:TCP拥塞控制  积极队列管理  显式拥塞通知

Improving Performance of TCP Applied in Wireless Environment by Ameliorating Explicit Congestion Notification
XU Chang-biao. Improving Performance of TCP Applied in Wireless Environment by Ameliorating Explicit Congestion Notification[J]. Application Research of Computers, 2001, 18(6): 61-64
Authors:XU Chang-biao
Abstract:This paper first introduces the principles of TCP congestion control, active queue management and ECN(Explicit Congestion Notification), then different variants of ECN suitable to wireless environment for improving TCP performance are proposed and analyzed, which gives valuable references to study TCP's application in wireless networks.
Keywords:TCP congestion control  Active queue management  ECN(Explicit Congestion Notification)
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