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Prototype development of a battery power supply at theelectromagnetic launcher research facility
Authors:Cornette   J.B. Thurmond   L.E.
Affiliation:Air Force Armament Lab., AFATL/SAH, Eglin AFB, FL ;
Electromagnetic launcher (EML) research at Elgin Air Force Base has progressed beyond available power source levels. Therefore, an inexpensive, high-power, high-energy battery system is under construction to fulfil present and future requirements. Data on the subscale battery power supply (BPS) system are examined. Decisions made on the design and operation of pneumatic switches, batteries, and contactors as a result of this testing program are described. Discharges to date have proved that the gang concept of operation is successful at current levels significantly higher than the standard operational level of 50 kA to 60 kA expected in the full BPS system. The electrical integrity of the prototype system has also been proved at energy levels of approximately 45 MJ, which is 15 to 20 MJ greater than energy levels that will be exhibited at the gang level in the final system
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