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引用本文:王步清. 柴达木盆地新生代构造演化与沉积特征[J]. 新疆石油地质, 2006, 27(6): 670-672
作者单位:中国石油塔里木油田分公司勘探开发研究院, 新疆库尔勒 841000
摘    要:柴达木盆地古近纪处于弱伸展坳陷阶段, 发育河湖相为主的沉积; 新近纪上干柴沟组沉积时期由于幔源岩浆的活动使盆地以沉降作用为主, 达到全盆最大湖泛面, 发育湖相为主的沉积; 上新世以来盆地发生了多次构造运动, 构造变形的几何学和运动学表明: 盆地的沉积受走滑冲断构造的控制和改造, 发育河相、湖相、冲积、洪积、风积等多种类型的沉积体系。

关 键 词:柴达木盆地  新生代  构造演化  沉积特征  

Structural Evolution and Sedimentary Characteristics of Cenozoic in Qaidam Basin
WANG Bu-qing. Structural Evolution and Sedimentary Characteristics of Cenozoic in Qaidam Basin[J]. Xinjiang Petroleum Geology, 2006, 27(6): 670-672
Authors:WANG Bu-qing
Affiliation:Research Institute of Exploration and Development, Tarim Oilfield Company, PetroChina, 841000, China
Abstract:The Paleogene in Qaidam basin is in stage of weak-spreading depression, dominated by fluvial-lacustrine deposit. In Ganchaigou formation of the Neogene the active mantle source rock-magma resulted in widely depressed process, occurring the largest lacustrine overflow and deposit. The muhi-tectonic movements since Pliocene in this basin took place, causing the structural deformations in geometry and kinematics. It is concluded that the deposition in Qaidam basin is controlled and reconstructed by strike-slip thrust structures, thus developing such multiple sedimentary systems as fluvial, lacustrine, alluvial, pluvial and aeolian deposits.
Keywords:Qaidam basin   Cenozoic   structural evolution   sedimentary characteristic
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