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引用本文:赵坤. 软件测试技术与测试管理研究[J]. 电子测试, 2016, 0(23). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-8519.2016.23.085
摘    要:软件质量的提升有利于促进国内软件业的迅速发展,而确保软件质量的一个关键环节是软件的测试,其是开发软件过程中的一项重要内容.强化软件测试,有利于软件质量的大大提高,从而促进国内软件企业与领域的稳定与健康发展.为此,本文阐述了软件测试的一些技术,以及软件测试管理的策略.

关 键 词:软件测试  技术  测试管理  策略

Research on software testing technology and testing management
Abstract:The promotion of software quality is conducive to the rapid development of the domestic software industry,and ensure the quality of software is a key part of the software testing,which is an important part of the software development process.Strengthening software testing is beneficial to the improvement of the quality of the software,so as to promote the stability and healthy development of domestic software enterprises and fields. To this end,this paper describes some of the software testing technology,as well as software test management strategy.
Keywords:softwaretesting  technology  test management  strategy
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