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引用本文:吴兴富,邓建华,黄江梅,刘江. 烟蚜茧蜂对烟蚜的选择性寄生及雌蜂年龄对后代性别的影响[J]. 中国烟草学报, 2003, 9(2): 31-34
作者姓名:吴兴富  邓建华  黄江梅  刘江
作者单位:云南烟草科学研究院农业研究所, 云南省玉溪市红塔路36号 653100
基金项目:云南省科技厅“九五”攻关、云南省烟草公司重点资助项目 (95A4-5)
摘    要:
烟蚜茧蜂寄生烟蚜后对烟蚜的产仔量和寿命影响较大,一龄若蚜至成蚜被寄生后的平均产仔量分别下降100.0%、97.3%、95.9%、92.7%、89.5%,平均寿命分别缩短65.6%、58.9%、57.9%、49.4%、38.3%;在各龄烟蚜数量比相同,雌蜂与烟蚜比为1:100的条件下,烟蚜茧蜂对二龄、三龄烟蚜有较强的嗜好性,这种嗜好性与雌蜂年龄无关;羽化并交配过的烟蚜茧蜂雌蜂,在前5 d内产卵寄生烟蚜,其后代的雌雄比大于1,寄主烟蚜的龄期对烟蚜茧蜂后代性别的影响不大。 

关 键 词:烟蚜茧蜂   烟蚜   选择性寄生   性别

Studies on the selectivity of Aphidus gifuensis parasitizing Myzus nicotianae (Black) and the effect of the female parasite age on the sex of its progeny
Wu Xingfu Deng Jianhua Huang Jiangmei Lu JiangInstitute of Agriculture Research,Yunnan Academy of Tobacco Science,Yuxi. Studies on the selectivity of Aphidus gifuensis parasitizing Myzus nicotianae (Black) and the effect of the female parasite age on the sex of its progeny[J]. Acta Tabacaria Sinica, 2003, 9(2): 31-34
Authors:Wu Xingfu Deng Jianhua Huang Jiangmei Lu JiangInstitute of Agriculture Research  Yunnan Academy of Tobacco Science  Yuxi
Affiliation:Institute of Agriculture Research, Yunnan Academy of Tobacco Science, Yuxi 650201
The fertility and life span of M.nicotianae were notably influenced by the parasitism of A.gifuensis. Fertilities from 1 st instar to adult aphid of being parasitized M. nicotianae were degraded 100.0,97.3,95.9,92.7 and 89.5 respectively, and the average life span respectively shorten 56.6,58.9,57.9,49.6 and 38.3. When the quantitative ratio of different M.nicotianae instar was the same and the ratio of female A.gifuensis and M .nicotianae was 1 to 100, the ratios of parasited 2 nd instar and 3 rd instar M.nicotianae were relatively higher and showed no relationship with the age of female. When the A.gifuensis mated with mixture populations parasited the M. nicotianae in five days, its descendant ratio of the female and male was over1:1, the aphid instar has no significant effect on the descendant sex ratio of A.gifuensis.
Keywords:Aphidus gifuensis Myzus nicotianae(Black) Selective parasitism Sex
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