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Equilibrium Diagram in the Presence of a Gaseous Phase and Its Application(Overview Part Ⅱ)
引用本文:杜爱玲,张鹤鸣. Equilibrium Diagram in the Presence of a Gaseous Phase and Its Application(Overview Part Ⅱ)[J]. 稀有金属(英文版), 1998, 0(2)
作者姓名:杜爱玲  张鹤鸣
作者单位:Shandong University of Technology,Jinan 250061,China
摘    要:EquilibriumDiagraminthePresenceofaGaseousPhaseandItsApplication①(OverviewPartⅡ)DuAilingandZhangHeming(杜爱玲)(张鹤鸣)ChemicalEngine...

Equilibrium Diagram in the Presence of a Chemical Engineering Department
Keywords:Thermodynamics   Gaseous phase   Equilibrium diagram   Application
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