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引用本文:尹叶子. 基于LabVIEW的室内环境监测系统设计[J]. 仪器仪表用户, 2010, 17(2): 16-17. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1041.2010.02.008
摘    要:针对温度、湿度、光强等影响室内环境舒适度的主要因素,设计了室内环境监测系统,本设计主要是以AT89S51为核心,控制信号的数据采集,并实现与计算机串行通信功能,利用L abV IEW软件,实现了系统数据通信和后台数据处理功能模块,可以方便地对环境数据进行实时显示、报警、存储和打印等功能。系统既可以实现对室内环境舒适度的实时监测,又可以为室内舒适度控制提供依据。该系统具有监测方便、实时数据采集传输、费用低廉等特点。

关 键 词:环境监测  单片机  数据采集  LabVIEW

The design of indoor environmental monitoring system based on LabVIEW
YIN Ye-zi. The design of indoor environmental monitoring system based on LabVIEW[J]. Electronic Instrumentation Customer, 2010, 17(2): 16-17. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-1041.2010.02.008
Authors:YIN Ye-zi
Affiliation:YIN Ye-zi ( School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China)
Abstract:In view of influence indoor environment comfort levels pri- mary factors that temperature, humidity and luminous intensity, de- signing the indoor environment measure system. This design mainly takes AT89S5! as the core, which controls signal data acquisition, and realizes with the computer serial communication function. Using the LabVIEW software, systematic data communication and back- ground database function are implemented, can carry on the real time display, the warning, the memory and the printing function con- veniently to the environmental data. The system features monitor conveniently, real-time data acquisition and transmission, and low cost etc.
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