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引用本文:戚志明,包芸. 珠三角磨刀门水道咸界变化规律研究[J]. 广东水利电力职业技术学院学报, 2009, 7(4)
作者姓名:戚志明  包芸
作者单位:1. 广东广播电视大学,广东广州,510091;广东理工职业学院,广东广州,51009l
2. 中山大学力学系,广东广州,510275
摘    要:利用磨刀门水道百顷头以下至挂定角水闸之间8个水厂/水闸的表层盐度数据,采用拉格朗日插值方法并结合Surfer工具,绘制磨刀门水道近三个月0.5‰、2‰、5‰、8‰咸界(即盐度等值线)的纵向逐时分布图,并对其运动规律进行探讨,特别对0.5‰咸界变化规律进行分析。结果发现:咸界变化具有明显的半月周期特点,相位上比潮差周期提前2~3天;在一个潮周期中,咸界在大潮向中潮转变过程中变化剧烈,并在中潮附近达到最小值;而在中潮向大潮转变过程中变化平缓,并在中潮附近达到最大值;当上游流量稳定在枯季平均流量附近时,最远咸界主要受潮汐涨落影响,走势与潮汐变化基本一致,当流量显著减少时,最远咸界变化表现为负斜率的走势,当流量显著增大时,则表现为正斜率的走势。

关 键 词:磨刀门水道  咸界变化规律  咸潮入侵  珠三角咸潮

Study on the Law of Salinity Boundary Change In Modaomen Channel of Pearl River Delta
QI Zhi-ming,BAO Yun. Study on the Law of Salinity Boundary Change In Modaomen Channel of Pearl River Delta[J]. Journal of Guangdong Technical College of Water Resources and Electric Engineering, 2009, 7(4)
Authors:QI Zhi-ming  BAO Yun
Affiliation:QI Zhi-ming1,2 BAO Yun3(1 Guangdong Radio & TV University,Guangzhou,Guangdong,China,510091,2 Guangdong Polytechnic institute,GuangZhou,3 Department of Applied Mechanics and Engineering,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510275,China)
Abstract:Based on the surface salinity data of 8 stations/floodgates along Modaomen Channel of Pearl River Delta,and by employing the Lagrange interpolation method and the Surfer software,the hourly distribution maps of 0.5‰,2‰,5‰,and 8‰ salinity boundaries lasting three mouths have been plotted.The law and characteristics of salinity boundary change have been analyzed.Especially,the relations between 0.5‰ salinity boundary and tide,tide-style,as well as fresh water flowrate,have been investigated in details.The res...
Keywords:Modaomen channel  the lawof salinity boundary change  tide intrusion  salinity tide in Pear River Delta.  
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