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Undercooling associated with slow freezing and its influence on the microstructure and properties of rice starch gels
Authors:Sanguansri Charoenrein  Nutsuda Preechathammawong
Affiliation:Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Abstract:It is well accepted that high undercooling or supercooling usually produces numerous small ice crystals. This paper shows that if heat transfer is not rapid enough, high undercooling causes non-homogenous sized ice crystals. Three freezing regimes (i.e. fast, slow and slow with undercooling) were used in this study. Fast freezing produced numerous homogeneously small ice crystals embedded in a thin rice starch gel matrix. This microstructure caused low % syneresis and hardness versus slow freezing’s rather homogenous distribution of fewer large ice crystals embedded in a thicker gel matrix resulting in high % syneresis and hardness. However, slow freezing with undercooling produced non-homogenous clusters involving small and large ice crystals embedded in a very thick gel matrix. Starch retrogradation before ice formation played an important role in this frozen structure. The information gained from this study enhances understanding of the behavior of starch-based food during freezing and storage.
Keywords:Undercooling   Freezing   Ice crystal   Rice starch   Retrogradation   Microstructure   Syneresis
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