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Structure and creep of Russian reactor steels with a BCC structure
Authors:V. V. Sagaradze  T. N. Kochetkova  N. V. Kataeva  K. A. Kozlov  V. A. Zavalishin  N. F. Vil’danova  V. S. Ageev  M. V. Leont’eva-Smirnova  A. A. Nikitina
Affiliation:1.Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch,Russian Academy of Sciences,Ekaterinburg,Russia;2.Bochvar High-Technology Scientific Research Institute for Inorganic Materials,Moscow,Russia
Abstract:The structural phase transformations have been revealed and the characteristics of the creep and long-term strength at 650, 670, and 700°C and 60–140 MPa have been determined in six Russian reactor steels with a bcc structure after quenching and high-temperature tempering. Creep tests were carried out using specially designed longitudinal and transverse microsamples, which were fabricated from the shells of the fuel elements used in the BN-600 fast neutron reactor. It has been found that the creep rate of the reactor bcc steels is determined by the stability of the lath martensitic and ferritic structures in relation to the diffusion processes of recovery and recrystallization. The highest-temperature oxide-free steel contains the maximum amount of the refractory elements and carbides. The steel strengthened by the thermally stable Y–Ti nanooxides has a record high-temperature strength. The creep rate at 700°C and 100 MPa in the samples of this steel is lower by an order of magnitude and the time to fracture is 100 times greater than that in the oxide-free reactor steels.
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