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The effect of carrier-induced change on the optical properties ofAlGaAs-GaAs intermixed quantum wells
Authors:Chan   M.C.Y. Kwok   P.C.K. Li   E.H.
Affiliation:Dept. of Electr. & Electron. Eng., Hong Kong Univ.;
Abstract:The carrier-induced effects in the change of absorption and refractive index on the AlGaAs-GaAs intermixing modified quantum wells (QW's) have been investigated theoretically. Band-filling, bandgap shrinkage, and free-carrier absorption have been included for various carrier concentrations. The Schrodinger and the Poisson equations have been considered self-consistently. The polarized absorption coefficients are calculated using the Kane k·p method for a four band model and followed by the Kramers-Kranig transformation to obtain the refractive index change. The results obtained show a more enhanced bandgap renormalization and change of absorption, but a reduced change in refractive index for the larger intermixing extents. It is important to know the carrier-induced optical parameter changes the intermixed QW's because of their recent interests in photonics
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