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Carrier mobility in MOSFETs fabricated with Hf-Si-O-N gate dielectric, polysilicon gate electrode, and self-aligned source and drain
Authors:Rotondaro   A.L.P. Visokay   M.R. Shanware   V.A. Chambers   J.J. Colombo   L.
Affiliation:Silicon Technol. Dev., Texas Instrum. Inc., Dallas, TX, USA;
Abstract:A study of electron and hole mobilities for MOSFET devices fabricated with Hf-Si-O-N gate dielectric, polysilicon gate electrodes and self-aligned source and drain is presented. High effective electron and hole mobilities, 250 cm/sup 2//V/spl middot/s and 70 cm/sup 2//V/spl middot/s, respectively, were measured at high effective field (>0.5 MV/cm). The NMOSFETs have an equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) of 1.3 nm and the PMOSFETs have an EOT of 1.5 nm. The effect of interface engineering on the electron and hole mobilities is discussed.
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