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基金项目:1.陕西省体育局项目:社会转型期幼儿体育权利保护现状与对策实证研究-以陕南地区为例(16063); 2.陕西省体育局项目:新型城镇化进程中农村乡镇综合文化站公共体育服务研究--以陕西省为例(16071); 3.商洛学院教改项目:大学体育“主副项制”教学模式的构建研究(15jyjx104); 4.商洛学院教改项目:应用型本科院校羽毛球教学现状及优化策略研究(16jyjx133); 5.商洛学院科研项目:新型城镇化进程中农村乡镇综合文化站公共体育服务研究--以商洛市为例(16SKY0011); 6.陕西省教育学会2016年度课题项目:应用型本科院校大学体育模块化教学模式构建与实践研究(SJHYBKT2016068)
摘    要:为在足球视频中有效的检测与跟踪运动目标,需要对足球比赛视频中目标检测与跟踪算法进行研究。当前采用的算法,在动态场景中,存在运动目标检测与跟踪效果不佳的问题。为此,提出一种基于OpenCV的足球比赛视频中目标检测与跟踪算法。该算法结合平均背景算法将足球比赛视频中目标图像分割为前景区与背景区,计算足球比赛视频每一帧目标图像和背景图像之间差值的绝对差值,同时计算每一个目标图像中像素点的平均值与标准值来建立目标图像背景统计模型,利用TMHI算法对足球比赛视频中目标初始图像进行阈值分割,得到初始分割图像,对分割图像进行中值滤波和闭运算,再使用卡尔曼滤波对分割后的目标图像进行处理,得到镜头中目标的质心位置和目标外界矩形框,然后对足球比赛视频中目标进行跟踪。实验证明,该算法有效的检测与跟踪足球视频中运动目标。

关 键 词:足球比赛  视频  目标检测  目标跟踪  
收稿时间:2017/5/15 0:00:00
修稿时间:2017/5/15 0:00:00

Grey neural network model for prediction of carbon emissions
Affiliation:Shangluo University
Abstract:Abstract:In order to increase the anti attack capability of distributed network, information to prevent data from being tampered with, the need for information and data distributed network tamper proof methods. Methods currently used in distributed network, rapid development, appear not adapt to the current network problems. Therefore, proposes a distributed network information data type based on tamper proof methods. The method for checking data distributed network using the improved type checking algorithm, encryption and decryption of data distributed network using RSA encryption algorithm, public key and private key two keys, and set up the RDTP network protocol, the protocol is divided into distributed network Maintain and update, network node sleep scheduling, distributed network nodes and reliable data forwarding information in three stages, through the information data check, information encryption and RDTP protocol of three parts work together to ensure the distributed network security, distributed information to prevent data from being tampered with. The experimental results show that this method enhances the distributed network anti attack capability, effectively prevent the occurrence of distributed network information data tampering case.
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