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引用本文:方致远,向衍. 弧形钢闸门三维有限元优化分析[J]. 水电能源科学, 2017, 35(7): 182-185
作者姓名:方致远  向衍
作者单位:1. 南京水利科学研究院, 江苏 南京 210029; 2. 河海大学 水利水电学院, 江苏 南京 210098
摘    要:为探寻弧形钢闸门在静水压力作用下未开启状态的应力及变形规律,并在此基础上探寻改良优化措施以保障闸门运行安全,通过ABAQUS软件对某水库弧形钢闸门进行三维有限元应力、变形分析,由闸门在静水压力作用下应力及变形分布规律,得出面板及主横梁—支臂接缝处存在较大应力区。为此,从改善截面属性角度出发,针对主横梁—支臂接缝处应力集中现象提出加厚支臂及加角钢两种工程处理方式,发现闸门支臂最大应力区向支座处上移及整体应力减小现象,由此可得两种工程处理方式均能有效改善闸门支臂受力情况并保障工程安全,但从施工操作及改善效果而言,推荐采用加角钢的方式对闸门进行局部处理。

关 键 词:弧形钢闸门; ABAQUS; 三维有限元; 优化分析

Three-dimensional Finite Element Optimization Analysis of Radial Steel Gate
Abstract:Based on three-dimensional finite element analysis of radial steel gate, distribution of the stress and deformation of the gate can be concluded to find the rule of stress/deformation of the gate under static water pressure and find out the ways to improve the structure via using ABAQUS. From the computed results, there is some stress centralization on the seam between the arms and the panel, which will lead to some safety problems. In order to improve section properties, there are two ways to solve the stress centralization by thickening the arms and adding the steel angles. After tested by ABAQUS, there is some up-move of maximum stress area and the decrease of the stress, which indicate that both the two ways can deal with the problems and can be promoted to the engineering practice and the optimization design of gate so as to ensure the safety of the project. From the aspect of construction operation and improvement effect, it recommends that the angle steel should be added to treat gate partially.
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