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Sliding wear response of a cast iron under varying test environments and traversal speed and pressure conditions
Authors:B.K. Prasad  
Affiliation:Regional Research Laboratory (CSIR), Bhopal-462026, India
Abstract:This study pertains to the examination of sliding wear behaviour of a gray cast iron over a range of sliding speeds and applied pressures in dry and (oil and oil plus graphite) lubricated conditions. Wear properties characterized were wear rate and frictional heating. The cast iron revealed various forms and sizes of graphite particles in a matrix of pearlite and limited quantity of free ferrite. Different solidification patterns, as controlled by the chemical composition and/or carbon equivalent of the alloy and rate of cooling, were thought to be responsible for the varying morphology of the graphite phase formed in the material matrix. Occasional decohesion of graphite at ferrite/graphite interfacial regions was also observed.The wear rate of the cast iron increased with the speed and pressure of sliding due to increasing severity of wear condition. The specimens tended to lose proper contact with the disc at larger pressures when slid dry. This was attributed to severe cracking tendency of the material. On the contrary, specimen seizure was noticed in the oil and oil plus graphite lubricated conditions; the seizure resistance (pressure) decreased with sliding speed in presence of the lubricants. The wear rate versus pressure plots attained different slopes, i.e. the rate of increase in wear rate with pressure, depending on the test environment. One slope and inappreciable effect of pressure on wear rate were noticed due to substantial cracking tendency of the cast iron when tested in dry condition. In the oil lubricated condition also, virtually one slope was observed but it was higher than that in dry condition indicating greater sensitivity of wear rate towards the applied pressure. Also, the samples attained lower wear rate in oil than in dry condition in view of suppressed cracking tendency causing more stable lubricating film formation in presence of the oil lubricant. Addition of graphite particles to the oil lubricant caused a further reduction in wear rate because of the enhanced possibility of a more stable lubricant film formation due to smearing of the graphite particles. In this case, the slope of the wear rate versus pressure plots was the least in the intermediate range of pressures irrespective of the sliding speed owing to more stable lubricating film formation.A higher rate of temperature increase with test duration (intermediate sliding distance) in the beginning was attributed to the abrasive action of the hard debris generated through the fragmentation of the initially contacting asperities. A subsequently observed lower rate of increase at longer durations could be owing to the occurrence of mild wear condition in view of less stressing of the contacting asperities and increased stability of the lubricant film formed. Increase in the rate of frictional heating at still longer durations resulted from destabilization of the lubricating film.Frictional heating increased with applied pressure and sliding speed in view of increasing severity of wear condition. The rate of increase in frictional heating was low initially up to a specific pressure followed by a higher rate of increase at still larger pressures when the tests were conducted in oil plus graphite at both the sliding speeds and in the oil lubricant at the lower speed. A constant (high) rate of increase in frictional heating with pressure was noticed in the dry condition at both the sliding speeds and in the oil lubricant at the higher speed. Low rate of frictional heating with pressure was attributed to the occurrence of mild wear condition while a higher rate of frictional heating with pressure resulted from the occurrence of severe wear condition. As far as the influence of test environment on frictional heating is concerned, least frictional heat was generated in the oil plus graphite lubricant mixture while the maximum was noticed in dry condition, intermediate response of the samples being observed in oil. Formation of more stable lubricating film was thought to be responsible for lower frictional heating in the lubricated conditions; the presence of graphite in the oil lubricant increased the extent of lubricating film formation and stability of the film so formed.The wear response of the samples has been explained in terms of cracking tendency and lubricating effects of graphite, predominance of the counteracting effects of the two parameters over each other, and lubricating film formation by the external oil (plus graphite) lubricant on the sliding surfaces in specific test conditions. Characterization of wear surfaces, subsurface regions and debris particles of the material enabled to further substantiate the observed wear performance of the samples.
Keywords:Cast iron   Dry and lubricated sliding wear behaviour   Liquid and solid lubricants   Microstructure-property correlation
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